Members of VFW Post 406, Newport, Rhode Island will be installing a flagpole for a WWII retired Navy Master Chief. Mr Charles Parks enlisted in the US Navy just prior to the end of WWII and served for 30 years to include the Korean War. The flagpole was provided to the veteran through the generous assistance of Mr. Danny Kaifetz, a Vietnam era veteran and owner of Adirondack Flagpoles.
The official flag raising will be held at 09:00 hours on November 11th, 2019 followed by Veterans Day’s observances at Newport City Hall at 11:00. We will then host veterans at the Newport Elks for a spaghetti luncheon at 12:15.
Both Channel 10 and Channel 6 of Providence had crews at Mr. Parks’ home to cover the days events. The links to the videos and stories are below. Please take a look at them.
Please view the program of the day’s events.
This is just one of Post 406’s service projects as we are a Veterans Helping Veterans post.
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