My Fellow Post 406 Members- 

     Happy New Year!   

     As we begin 2022, I ask that you take a moment and reflect on what you feel is critical to serving our Newport Veterans.  What can you, what can we do collectively to better serve Veterans. 

     Our Post remains vital and relevant because of you.  You have again answered the call to serve, and as a member of Post 406, serve in whichever capacity you feel is best.  I ask that you examine in what capacity can you better serve our Post and our Veterans.  Only you can answer this.  It need not be a large, quantifiable measure.  Perhaps, your service is best rendered by simply participating in monthly meetings.  With this, I also ask you tell me how the Post can better serve you.  What do you need, and or want from Post 406.   

     Our membership is diverse, with many members retired off-island, and realistically, never able to attend a meeting.  Each member is valued, and has a gift which can be given.  What is it that each member, that you, can give to support our Post and Veterans?   You tell me. 

     I offer one opportunity to support.  

     As you may be aware, Post 406 has hosted two lectures this Fall as part of our monthly lecture series.   These lectures promote awareness for Veterans in need, strengthen the relationship between Post 406, and the community, inform the community of the service, sacrifice, and needs of local Veterans.  Lectures encompass relevant military/ veteran/patriotic topics, for example, a lecture on Veterans Day, Vietnam Veterans Day, National POW / MIA Day, etc…, as well as other relevant topics in support of Veterans.  Additionally, these lectures have proven to be an outstanding opportunity to meet Veterans who have not sought the VFW directly but have interest in the lecture topic, and by attending the lecture, find a support network.  In addition, community members attending the lectures have also embraced the mission of Post 406, and as a direct result of the lecture series, have volunteered time and resources to support Veterans through Post 406 activities. 

     I welcome your thoughts and possible lecture series content.  Specifically, do you know a POW who would be willing to speak at our April POW/ MIA recognition day lecture?   

     This is but one example of how you can contribute, and make your post stronger, in service to Veterans. 

     Please respond to this e mail, confirming your contact information, (mailing address, e mail, telephone number).   I welcome the opportunity to speak with you, and determine how our Post can best serve our fellow members and our Veterans. 

    I remain, 

    Your Most Obedient Servant, 

      Anselm T. W. Richards 


     VFW Post 406 


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